WSDM 2017 Startup Day FAQ

Just want to attend the Startup Day

Register at the conference registration site and select attendee only. No need to bother with the rest of the text on this page.

I want to attend the Startup Day and present a poster

Register for presenting your startup poster at: registration site , and select the option for presenting a poster. For details of the content and format of poster and pitch is provided below.

Startup topic

The startup topic should be in the general area of the data mining, AI, social networking, web search, big data analytics, NLP, and platforms for enabling such large data analysis. Look at the call for papers for WSDM to get an idea of the topics: call for papers.

Poster participation requirements

Poster and pitch content details

Pitch details

Poster details

Startup pitch advice

Can I print my poster in Cambridge?

On procrastination